Areas of Focus
Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions / Stress
Anger Management
Blended Family Issues
Child, Adolescent, and/or Young Adult Issues
Chemical Dependency
Communication Problems
Control Issues
Family of Origin Issues
Family Counseling
Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance
Life Transition
Men's Issues
Obsessions & Compulsions (OCD)
Oppositional & Defiant Behavior in Children & Teens
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Self-Care, Self-Confidence
Social Anxiety / Phobia
Supervised visits
Trust Issues
Women's Issues
This is a general list therapy practices we can help with.
We work best with each client in mind and are not limited to these areas of focus.

Healing Touch
Spiritual Healing Touch is a gentle energy balancing technique, which harmonizes spiritual, physical, and emotional health for healing. Research and anecdotal evidence supports healing touch for the following: reducing anxiety and stress, promoting relaxation, decreasing pain, accelerating healing, enhancing spiritual connection and sense of well-being.
Energy work complements conventional healthcare, facilitating relaxation and supports the natural healing potential of body, mind and spirit.

​Treatments involve the laying-on of hands directly on the body or allowing them to hover above the body. If desired, the use of therapeutic grade essential oils may be used for a wide variety of emotional, physical and spiritual wellness applications. The healing practitioner is simply the channel through which the healing energy flows to the recipient. Touch in itself can be very healing, when practiced with an intention of honoring the person, and it can be even more effective when healing energy is transmitted.
While a treatment often brings an easing of physical symptoms, many people say that the relaxation along with the emotional and spiritual uplift is its foremost benefit.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing for these sessions.
Loriann Barcus:
Energy Healing Work --- Spiritual Healing Touch Practitioner, 2013; Reiki Level II Practitioner, 2005

Everyone experiences periods of stress, sadness, grief and conflict, so when you’re feeling off it can be hard to know if it’s time to see a professional about the problem. And apparently, those who would benefit from some therapeutic intervention are not seeking it enough: While one in five American adults suffer from some form of mental illness, only about 46-65 percent with moderate-to-severe impairment are in treatment, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
And while identifying and managing diagnosable mental illness is a priority in the psychiatric community, psychological help for those without a clear condition to manage can be just as important. Aside from suffering needlessly, those in distress may actually make the problem worse by avoiding professional help.
“The earlier someone gets help, the easier it is to get through the problem,” says psychologist Daniel J. Reidenberg. “There will be less time and less strain and stress involved in that."

Alexander Technique
How we think is as much a part of the Alexander Technique as how we move. In essence, the technique is a way of using our minds in a conscious manner so that we are able to efficiently direct our bodies in order to keep them as stress-free as possible.
This work is about awareness, self-development, fully embodying one’s self, and, ultimately, exercising choice in how we respond to our internal thoughts and feelings as well as our external circumstances and our environment. The main qualities to have in this process are an attitude of curiosity (and a sense of humor) about one’s self, patience and an open mind.
The Alexander Technique can help to
Lessen anxiety and depression
Alleviate chronic pain
Improve flexibility and stamina
Develop deeper breathing and deeper sleep
Increase mental alertness and well-being
Improve posture and self-image
Enhance performance skills and poise
A system of re-education that is both preventative and corrective.
Natural ease of movement is inherent in our human design as it is in the rest of the animal kingdom. However, age, time, injury, tension, stress, and poor movement habits can lead people down a path to discomfort, chronic pain, poor posture and fatigue. The Alexander Technique is a means to change that course and help alleviate such detrimental effects.
F.M. Alexander, the originator of this technique was convinced that the mind, body and spirit were interconnected. Not only do our thoughts affect our feelings and contribute to muscular tensions, but the way in which we sit, stand and move can alter the way in which we think and feel.
Through the teacher’s verbal, visual, and hands-on instruction, the client learns the necessary skills to recognize and eliminate harmful habits that create unnecessary tension and holding patterns. In addition, the client learns different ways of moving (sitting, standing, walking, bending, reaching, etc.) with more ease and efficiency, thus reducing wear and tear on body structure, systems and internal organs. Thus, this work is preventative healthcare as well as corrective.
The client will come to experience gravity as an ally, and learn how to voluntarily trigger anti-gravity reflexes and regain the deep structural support of our human design. As one learns to calm one’s nervous system and use less effort in everyday activities, one finds oneself enlivened and having more energy.
F.M. Alexander, the originator of this technique was convinced that the mind, body and spirit were interconnected. Not only do our thoughts affect our feelings and contribute to muscular tensions, but the way in which we sit, stand and move can alter the way in which we think and feel.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing for these lessons.
Loriann Barcus, Certification as an Alexander Technique Teacher, 2002
What is Telehealth? Also referred to as Telepsychiatry, Telepsych, Telemedicine, or Teletherapy.
Telehealth or telepsych is a form of live video conferencing allowing our therapists to provide services to clients outside of the office, for example at the client’s home or workplace. This video meeting is done through face-to-face interaction via computer, smartphone, tablet or Chromebook. Telepsych provides the opportunity for consultation with family members, teachers and other providers involved in the client’s care.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry comparing in-office-treatment to treatment via telepsychiatry indicated “There were no statistically significant differences between study groups for symptoms, quality of life, and patient satisfaction… there is a strong hypothesis that videoconference-based treatment obtains the same results as face-to-face therapy and that telepsychiatry is a useful alternative.”